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Stay in the Know About Agustín Fuentes and His Works

Read and See video of Agustín Fuentes at The Gifford Lectures
"Why We Believe: Evolution, Making Meaning, and the Development of Human Natures"
Visit National Geographic
"Are We Really as Awful as We Act Online?
It’s not brutish human nature that prompts nasty posts and tweets, the author says. But how we evolved does play a role."

Agustín Fuentes elected to the American Academy of Arts & Sciences
Congratulations to Professor Agustín Fuentes, for his election to the American Academy of Arts & Sciences. The Academy honors exceptionally accomplished individuals and engages them in advancing the public good, while recognizing excellence and relying on expertise. The members represent innovative thinkers in every field and profession, including more than two hundred and fifty Nobel and Pulitzer Prize winners.
Humans and Race: Exploring the Intersections of Science and Racism. From AAAS-DoSER